Monday, February 14, 2011

Producing Baby Games

Producing Baby Mind Games was an awesome experience. I was in my hometown of Sioux City, IA getting dinner with good friends Justin and Lisa Froehlich, the parents of young Rydin, the star of “Baby Mind Games.” I joked around about "exploiting" their baby to further my film career, and later that week we did a short skit called, “Baby Games.” In that short, I play a police detective who interrogates Rydin about whether or not he went to the bathroom in his pants. It became pretty popular around town, so we decided to do a follow up, “Baby Mind Games.” It took about a weekend to make, and this time I called upon Rydin’s dad, Justin, to be the “clueless” best friend in the movie. In both skits, Rydin was surprisingly very easy to work with, and all of his filming went very smoothly. Since we had no extra hands during production, we were doing a lot of the camera work and extra jobs by ourselves. For example, every time Justin and I are talking on screen, he is actually holding Rydin in his left arm. Special thanks to my dad, who helped me film the opening scene in his office.